Light The Candle – MH & Smith and The Pack Official Music Video: A song of hope, standing up for what we believe in. When the powerful dominate, we must see our inner light and let it shine. Now more than ever we need to light the candle.

Light The Candle – MH & Smith and The Pack Official Music Video: A song of hope, standing up for what we believe in. When the powerful dominate, we must see our inner light and let it shine. Now more than ever we need to light the candle.
I find it difficult to describe songs/videos, as it is art and art is intended to be experienced by the experiencer, not dictated by the writer/creator. Nonetheless, …
A short film set at night in an older churchyard, this video shows two souls lighting the darkness. The singer expresses his views as the girl meanders about the gravestones and church appearing and disappearing.
This song is the11th tune from the MH & Smith and The Pack album ‘Hot Punk Boogie’.
Light the Candle

Warriors rush the world
As sickness rages still
soldiers cutting deep
But our sprit you can’t kill
Light the candle
And chase the darkness away

Sadness takes control
stealin’ like a thief
The life of the weak
spreading pain and grief

The sun beams I see
through the rain, wind and snow
and past the noxious weed
with a swipe of my hoe

Light the candle
And chase the darkness away X 4
Lyrics by MH

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