28 Replies to “Mark Hyman at TEDMED 2010”

  1. Mark Hyman MD explains why ‘disease’ doesn’t exist.
    #naturopathicmedicine #integrativemedicine #preventivehealth

  2. This is ALL medicine yet seems an exotic mystery to “conventional” practice.
    Individuals also must take responsibility to understand the critical
    importance of environment/lifestyle and aim to reduce risk of descent into
    chronic illness.

  3. I can’t believe that this was founded, and I thought I was going crazy
    knowing something was wrong with my body, from years, of gather toxins that
    were prohibiting me to function wholely….And, now I don’t have to believe
    that I’m going insane. I simply could not figure this out why my body was
    out of tune, or sync!

  4. Beautiful! It’s wonderful that Dr. Bland and Hyman and the other
    principals found each other to evolve medicine back toward its original
    mission- understanding physiology and improving the lesions. Not simply
    serving the financial interests of big pharma, managing morbidity until
    death, and ignoring the pursuit of curing diseases.

  5. Finally Western doctors are beginning to understand a way of practicing
    medicine (looking at underlying causes rather than symptoms and treating
    the individual) that has been prevalent in the Eastern sciences of Indian
    (Ayurveda) and Chinese Traditional Medicine since the earliest conceptions
    of health and hygiene practices.

  6. Well done sir!! What you are describing is what us Homeopaths have been
    fighting for for many many years. So happy to see that allopathic doctors
    are starting to see what we see.

  7. This is the way that I was raise and grew up. My Dad was a chiropractor,
    and followed Dr. Herbert Shelton’s ideas about health. He did not try to
    treat symptoms or suppress them, instead he found what was necessary to
    have good health and made it very simple to maintain that through a strong
    immune system based on proper diet, rest, elimination, exercise, fresh air
    and clean water. If these ideas are followed, medications are unnecessary.
    I am 69 years old, and enjoying life to the fullest.

  8. Mark Hyman’s TED talk on a better way to address (especially chronic)
    illness. He articulates everything I’ve been muttering to myself for the
    past 12 years as I tried to navigate our ridiculous healthcare system.

  9. First started following his recommendations about 20 years ago… he is and
    continues to be one of my favorite MD’s — simply inspiriing work, Dr.
    Hyman. Thank you

  10. It’s all based on science. This talk wouldn’t work with lots of scientific
    data, it’s not the right setting. Read his books if you want to know the
    science behind functional medicine.

  11. I strongly suggest for people to search for the research of Dr. LIDY
    PELSSER who heads the ADHD Research Centre in the Netherlands. She had
    proven that 64% of kids who were diagnosed with ADHD simply had food
    allergies, and that eliminating it took the ADHD away. It was published in
    Lancet – “Effects of a restricted elimination diet on the behaviour of
    children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (INCA study) a
    randomised controlled trial” + “Diet May Help ADHD Kids More Than Drugs”

  12. This is so absolutely valuable. I only hope health professionals have the
    wisdom to be able to realise it.

  13. I am a living test subject of this Truth. As a person with Crohns I have
    decided to cure myself. I am on Day Four with NO Drugs and I feel Great! I
    have had a Normal Bowel Movement for the first time in over a year today!!
    I am on a regiment of natural antioxidants and a diet of NO GLUTEN…NO
    SOY…..NO DAIRY…..NO REFINED FOODS OR SUGARS. I will heal myself.

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