Mark Zuckerberg’s Secrets to Success

This video is a brief biography on the founder and CEO of facebook Mark Zuckerberg. In this video you will see the secret’s to mark zuckerberg’s success and how you can use the same steps to becoming successful and potentially as successful as the youngest billionaire in the world.

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44 Replies to “Mark Zuckerberg’s Secrets to Success”

  1. Facebook is shit its full of fake accounts and internet wankers mark being
    1,people geting killed and robbed from facebook good on you wanker 

  2. It wasn’t really a secret. He had an open opportunity of what people wanted
    and he took it. These opportunities open all the time.

  3. First Off This God Damned Dictator Of The Internet Needs Legally Stopped.
    His God Damned Gay Hateful Team Has Learned To Use His Hacking Abilities
    That He Done When He Hacked Harvard Universities Computers Then Stold Over
    2000 Profiles, And Photos Of People He Didnt Even Know. Mark Zuckerberg Is
    The Most Hated Man On The Internet, And No Matter What His Donations Are To
    Anyone The Fact Remains Hes Not The Owner Of The Internet. Who The Hell
    Does This Spoiled Brat Boy Think He Is Anyways Hiring Staff, And A Very
    Anti-Gay Loving Team That Attacks Gay Peoples Accounts At Will 24-7, My God
    This Asswipe Needs Taught A Very Valuble Lesson Legally To Never Mess With
    Us Gays Because We Will Retaliate Right Back Against Him. What The Fuck
    Here Mark Elliot Zuckerberg Youve Became Adolph Hitler, And For That I Will
    Make It My Mission In Life To Come After You, And Your God Forsaken
    Facebook Team, And Staff No Matter How Long It Takes. Revenge Is A Dish
    Best Served Cold Asshole,. And In Cyber Space Its Very Cold. I See Your
    Site Going The Way Of Myspace If You Dont Fire Your Staff Immediately, And
    Replace Them All With Human Beings That Wont Log Anyone Out Of (Our Own
    Accounts) By Force. Then Look For Ways To Violate Us. Remember Zuckerberg
    Thier Is The United States Constitution You Have To Obey, Plus The
    Electronic Privacy Act Law You Have To Obey Too Asswipe. Really Now Report
    This Report That?, It Seems You Have Way Too Many Snitches On Facebook I
    Know Who They Are Too.

  4. Ideas are worthless, is all about the execution of THE idea.
    he might be stealing ideas but the winklevozz doesnt know how to build
    software, instead of spending 10 hours building software the winklevozz
    rather spend their days flexing their muscles and rowing their fukin
    ideas arent like food recipes you know. someone can steal KFC chicken
    recipe and make millions $$ out of it. but the idea of the software like
    facebook you need to build and develop it over time.

    stop hating and develop the idea that you steal from someone or somewhere.

  5. The first and most important secret is to be a thief and steal others
    ideas. That was his only secret to success, though it is not a secret.
    A genius is that who keep creating ideas, like steve jobs. But creating
    whatsup, facebook, twitter, were only accidental success.

  6. OK but we all don’t get the chance to ripoff a couple of privileged Harvard
    boys idea and then settle out of court for 40 million so that we can go on
    to make forty billion and step on our friends all the way to the top. You
    see some of us would like to succeed with our OWN idea and when we build
    the company we would rather not have to be sued by our own co-founders
    because we screwed them over so badly. You see Mark many of us still have
    this thing called a conscience and we would like to be able to sleep at
    night and look at ourselves in the mirror without seeing a weasel.

  7. zuckerberg is not the youngest selfmade billionare. it was another
    cofounder of facebook Dustin muskovitz 

  8. Steal other people ideas and fuck over your best friends. That is
    zuckerberg secret to success.

  9. Great lessons from the youngest billionaire. He surely shows the world that
    success doesn’t come with age. 

  10. He is really good! I’m so inspired!!!! If he did steal, he sure did
    something good with it! Definitely good nuggets there. So they say .. one
    doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel. The wheel was already invented but yes
    we do have all sorts of wheels …. i could go on.

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