Napoleon Hill talks about “The Secret” to Think & Grow Rich Post Ads Online – Daily Cash Paid to Paypal Account

Think and Grow Rich! (ISBN 1-59330-200-2) is a classic motivational book. Written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie, it was published in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression. In 1960, Hill published an abridged version of the book, which for years was the only one generally available. In 2004, Ross Cornwell published Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised (Second Printing 2007), which restored the book to its original content, with slight revisions, and added the first comprehensive endnotes, index, and appendix the book had ever contained.

The text of Think and Grow Rich! is founded on Hill’s earlier work, The Law of Success, the result of more than twenty years of research based on Hill’s close association with a large number of individuals who achieved great wealth during their lifetimes.

At Carnegie’s bidding, Hill studied the characteristics of these achievers and developed fifteen “laws” intended to be applied by anybody to achieve success. Think and Grow Rich! itself condenses these laws further and provides the reader with 13 principles in the form of a philosophy of personal achievement.

Reflected in these principles is the importance of cultivating a burning desire, faith, autosuggestion and persistence in the attainment of one’s goals. Hill also discusses the importance of overcoming many of the common fears that can adversely affect one’s thinking and potential.

In his introduction, Hill refers to the “Carnegie Secret”, a conception which he reports is the foundation of all success and appears to be the premise of the book. Hill promises to indirectly describe this “secret” in every chapter, but never state it plainly, believing the use of the secret is only available to those who possess a “readiness” for it, a disposition Hill describes as essential to the concept itself.

Think and Grow Rich has sold consistently since its first publishing. According to one publisher, the book has now sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. Think and Grow Rich is currently ranked #9 on the BusinessWeek Best-Seller List for paperback business books and has been on the aforementioned list for 22 months as of April 2007. from Wikipedia

The Secret Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Law of Success Law of Attraction Law of Wealth, money, success, millionaire

31 Replies to “Napoleon Hill talks about “The Secret” to Think & Grow Rich”

  1. Wisdom and an enlightened perspective is not something new..

    it is however something that ‘most’, will eventually.. take a lifetime to

    Here’s a short cut.

  2. *Do you want to become completely awakened and clear-minded?*
    *Mankind is living in a serious state of sleepwalking.*

    *We need to wake up. At least, take care of yourself…*
    *Go to TruthContest◘Com and read **The Present*

  3. I read Think and Grow Rich by Mr Hill while attending North Charleston High
    School in 1985 and realized early inner city students are taught to be
    marginal and to never believe we can start businesses and participate in
    the free market place I was lucky my grandfather , Uncle and Aunt owned
    their owned business so I had examples hope the FCC and other agencies
    along with Rep Ryan and President Obama had a thought and became
    successfull we need Congress to take Mr Hill advise as well in the end we
    will all be winners !!!!

  4. I am sceptical about the degree in which i should follow the steps in this
    book, mainly because i noticed a big contradiction. On the one hand the
    author speaks about one of the most important ancient truths on how to
    improve yourself and brings up many important aspects of success that make
    him seem like a really wise man, and i would use this book as the main
    guidance to improve my life if it wasnt for the following. He may
    understand how individuals can shape their own reality but he doesnt seem
    to understand how the world works. If he understood he wouldnt speak of
    monsters that have fucked up the whole world like Rockefeller and Morgan us
    people to look up to. He wouldnt speak about our capitalistic and monetary
    system like it is a blessing and we should be glad its like that otherwise
    we would be less advanced. He regularly mentions that scum Edison like he
    is some kind of role model, but not a single word about Tesla, how so? Was
    he too busy interviewing rich people to see the big picture? By the way, he
    often tries to persuade as about something using a story, however in each
    of the stories it could be luck that made the characters succesfull, and
    other people could be practicing the exact same methods but face nothing
    but failure, therefore i m not convinced about what he wanted to explain,
    like he points out i should, after reading them. Anyway, dont get me wrong,
    it was a great book, however it needs of me to do some things that require
    huge amounts of patience and time, for example i should be making plans for
    30 mins everyday on fullfilling my goal in life, which is ok, but on a
    later part it asks of me to dedicate 30 mins daily in imagining myself as
    the person i strive to become. How the hell am i supposed to make a routine
    out of that when i m not even 100% sure that everything in this book is
    right and is what i should be doing to become successful?? I dont even know
    how to imagine myself in the way i want to be cause this doesnt concern
    physical appearance of something and i would be a moron if i do that
    everyday if the author is wrong about that. I am at my 2nd time reading it
    and i have started thinking if it would be better to pick a new book
    instead, cause this one just asks too much. Is there anyone who has
    actually become rich following the steps of this book? If yes, i would
    appreciate if he explained to me how exactly he put to use its teachings.

  5. Excellent Video!


    Napoleon Hill talks about “The Secret” to Think & Grow Rich

    Remember our company’s motto as you watch this:

    Conceiving. Believing. Achieving.


  6. Think & Grow Rich…

    Can you really Think & Grow Rich?

    That is the Question…

    Come and Hang-Out with me on this very specia Think & Grow rich
    Master-Mind… Generic call meaning we are not company, Industry specific.
    You can feel safe here… M-F at 6AM -PST same as 9PM EST..
    1-712-432-0900 pin 565732#
    I dare you to go you will grow period…

    If you like that and would like to find a whole community and oppurtunity
    to apply it to a special business that could allow you to get free then ‘
    you can connect with me here… 

  7. Hi everyone, I have the transcript for this video if anyone would like to
    read this speech just email me and I’ll send it to you. Merry Christmas1

  8. This book was an awesome blessing! Most people misinterpret it and always
    come up with the wrong answer as to what the secret is. Even after knowing
    the secret, there is still a process that will come with it and new
    challenges. After about 7 years after reading this book it hit me like a
    ton of bricks. Ever since, I never spoke it or named it less we teach the
    unprepared or create another Hitler. That Gift can be taken for granted to
    produce great evil as well as a great life of wealth.

  9. Prov. 16:7. He that has all hearts in his hand, can make a man’s enemies to
    be at peace with him. 8. A small estate, honestly come by, will turn to
    better account than a great estate ill-gotten. 9. If men make God’s glory
    their end, and his will their rule, he will direct their steps by his
    Spirit and grace. Prov.23:7 “For as he thinketh within himself, so is he:..”

  10. Mother Theresa didn’t want to attend an anti war rally, she would rather be
    invited to a peace rally. She knew the secret. I do like this: Whatever
    your mind feeds upon your mind attracts to you… All success begins with a
    clear purpose and picture in your mind of what you like. ” Right on!

  11. @gregorywong If working hard to make a lot of money is “selfish,” then it’s
    good to be selfish. How much can you really help your family, friends and
    fellow man if you’re always poor?

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