39 Replies to “Norman Doidge on the brain and neuroplasticity”

  1. Neuroplasticity: The brain is plastic or changeable. This 8 minute video
    will really get you thinking! #7minutes 

  2. There is a knowing that transcends even ‘thought’ creating manifestation.
    Like the pulse of your Heartbeat. Beat for Peace. Life is becoming more
    magical and miracles will be an every day accurance.

  3. I am so happy to listen to Norman.. He is such an inspiration.. to me.. He
    is saying that we really should reexamine.. this.. Even the relationship
    between Brain and Culture.. Neuro-plasticity.. Resilient brain is also a
    vulnerable brain.. I would like to sit with him for several hours.. and
    then watch the changes and transformations..

  4. @Bestmanme08 I just checked that out on google and surprise surprise, the
    page was “real liberal christian church”. No bias there then eh?

  5. Amazing potentials from this new understanding of ourselves! Thank God
    there is a science based educator who can bring this info to all of us.

  6. Information is carried on fibre optics. Holographic projections. The eyes
    in front of our head, I do believe, are lenses like a camera projecting a
    thought formed and observed with the INNER EYE called the Third Eye upon
    the photographic plate in the brain sending the code along the fibre optics
    from the Pineal Gland to the back of the retina of the eye and … “Where
    you Look, There You Are, Your Reality Awaits You.” At the same time, we are
    not alone. wwwDOTflywithmeproductionsDOTcom

  7. 🙂 I can assure you that I’m perfectly healthy. You seem quite angry.
    There’s no reason for you to make assumptions about my beliefs about
    abortion. I do believe that your intolerance is unhealthy however. Perhaps
    you could take the time and explain the problem with homosexuality beyond a
    one liner that doesn’t mean anything : “If the plumbing don’t fit it ain’t

  8. How is itt possible we missed it!! We didnt, we just lost it!! People of
    the east and also budhist always knew. Ask a guru from india he will say
    the same. Our brain, thoghts, feelings and capabilitys are not fixed. We
    can learn, change and adapt, more than we think.

  9. This is true, I was once at a seminar supported by the mental health
    industry that was explaining a bit about neuroplasticity but the people who
    were speaking were still in support of SSRIs. On one hand they were giving
    some hope with the new discoveries of np but on the other they still
    woulden’t tell the truth about perscription drugs and how they can further
    complicate symtoms.

  10. Wonderful. As a Buddhist student of Psychology, I am relieved to such a
    discovery. The misinformed dogma that is scientific materialism and it’s
    subjective claim to objective reality, is riddled with narrow minded
    logical fallacy. It is in the best interest of mankind that we move on.

  11. The point is it doesn’t change itself at all. “Thoughts” change the
    physical brain, that is referring to the ‘mind’ – which is not the brain at

  12. When one can remove themselves from the creation of another box of form of
    thought in matter, when it is not nurturing for the whole of Life, no
    matter what name, name, name it is given, will begin to ‘see’ how
    incredibly maliable, impermanent, and moveable we are as the Captains of
    our bioelectromagnetic water body vessel/vehicle/ships sailing on the Seas
    of Pure Energy of Light encodement.

  13. Marshall McLuhan was talking about this years ago from the point of view of
    mediums (technologies, extentions of self) being the message(altering sense
    ratios). Humanity needs to stop talking (both internal and externally) to
    awaken to its other self, the unconscious right brain awareness. Doidge is
    bring it back into discussion… good job

  14. Doidge is brilliant. The Bible stated aeons ago , ” As a person thinks, so
    are they”. Doidge in his reporting of cutting edge research and healing
    that seems miraculous, is walking in this heritage and Biblical heritage.

  15. Norman you speak my non-language! Thank you so very much and am grateful to
    see this today of all daze. I am a survivor of a TBI (traumatic brain
    injury). I have a great sense of humour and say I got rid of all the trash
    🙂 You are putting in the language of man in this brief excerpt of some
    talk you gave and what is said to me is what I already know to be true.

  16. This is a psychiatrist and the author of the magnificent book ‘the brain
    that changes itself’ and it is about the science of neuroplasticity, it is
    not about religion! For goodness sake USE YOUR BRAIN!

  17. This is revolutionary in its entirety. I suffered three stroke last year
    October 2011. It took me one full year to recover. When the doctors said
    that I wouldn’t walk again, I chose to reject their verdict. Determination
    wad key, faith wad the fuel, and action was the motor that all contributed
    to me walking, recalling the past, and the ability to project my future.
    Let us use our brain the way God wired it. I salute this doctor.

  18. @Bestmanme08 What a pile of bs – I read that article, and it does not pass
    per review from college student. Just look at it “an homosexual brain might
    look more like a female”! Yes, a cranium might be quit confusing for sexing
    (saying if a skeletum remain is one of a dude or a lady), for instance
    masculinized female cranium are common… But this have so little to do
    with gender and sexual identity and more to do with health problem, age and
    living condition.

  19. Sick people like you who feel that way often think there is nothing wrong
    with abortion either. Even abortion of live babies born after a failed
    abortion attempt. (If the plumbing don’t fit it ain’t legit!)

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