Oprah Talks, Law Of Attraction Stories: Strong Women Around The World!

http://youarecreators.org/ We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics…

29 Replies to “Oprah Talks, Law Of Attraction Stories: Strong Women Around The World!”

  1. Now, when someone’s doing someone else’s homework without even having an
    education, now that’s a true genius! 

  2. it’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters. Keep
    that alive in your mind every minute of the day and your life will change

  3. Oh, wow. What an incredible story!!!

    I wish Oprah and staff would post the rest of her interview. We want to
    hear about her brother and whatever else she has to say. Gee, I was
    expecting that Oprah and staff had found the lady that had inspired her
    with just those few simple words and had brought her to the show. 

  4. Oprah is JUST a big mouth talking.
    What makes her opinion any better then “Jane doe” of the street?

  5. What a great inspirational story. I am grateful that I watched this again.
    This got me in tears and remind me that we can achieve our dreams.

  6. very irresponsible,Oprah. is now
    working for Universities that are focus
    on capitalism, collecting credentials is
    not the only way, Oprah
    never talks about other types of success
    that are just as important.
    Don’t get me wrong I’m ecstatic every time
    I see a woman of color succeed.
    But this is not the only way Oprah

  7. wow, just an amazing story, it should serve as a message to most of the
    kids in the western world and in America in particular that are blessed in
    the land of abundance and riches and yet most of them are addicted to
    drugs, school dropouts and take up guns.

  8. The Low of attraction is very true, i had a similar experience 6 years
    ago.. my mom was very sick she had kidney disease and i remember that we
    had no enoufh money to pay for her weekly dialysis..i was very sad cried
    every night i felt very hopeless. one night i decided to write my dream in
    a paper, i worte ‘i hope one day there will be a mircale and that my mom’s
    kidny will work again, i believe it’s possible and i believe that my wish
    will become true,Amin” every night before going to bed i was hugin my
    letter and talking to my self that my wish will become true. 2 month later
    i got call from my littel sister telling me that my moms kidny were
    working again for 80% and that she no longer have to go to dialysis… :D:D

  9. How can there be 31 people who actually disliked this story???? What an
    incredible story!! What an incredible woman!!

  10. Such an inspiration. As an American woman it’s easy to forget how lucky we
    are just to be able to get an education in a public school. “I just wanted
    to sit on a desk and, you know, raise my hand and say *something*.” So

  11. This is absolutely inspirational, and I truly appreciate the power of the
    LOA. I admire the woman’s sheer courage and determination, persistence paid
    off in the end. Thank you for posting this.

  12. “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites
    you.” – Oprah Winfrey

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