Personal Development Training Companies

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Questions and Answers

Professional Development Review?

I am working in a company in Dubai from the last 1 year. Next week the authorites asked to me to attend for an Professional Development Review programme (PDR) which a one hour face to face with my manager. What is PDR? If my performance is bad it may cause to termination? I am very much worried.

Posted by panicguy
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A PDR is an normally assessment of your performance.

So it should include things like:
How well you are fitting into the team.
Your personal performance.
Your team performance e.g. Are you a leader/contributor?
Areas that they feel you are weak on and you need to improve
Areas that you are strong on.
Potential training opportunities
Career opportunities

You should have been given regular assignments/reviews during the year.
Look at those and ask yourself:
Did I deliver on time?
Where they happy with the quality?

Then look at the other headings above and think about them.

If you answered no to either of those then examine why and be prepared to say how you could perform better next time.
PDRs can be positive experiences if you prepare for them.

The results of a PDR shouldn't be a surprise as you should know how they feel about you after a year.

If you want to talk about it more then you can use Yahoo Answers email (see my profile page) to anonymously email me and we can talk about it.

What are factors that motivated employees?

I have already know some of it but i need someone to explain to me each one, as english is not my first language.
Pls explain each point.

•Training and personal development
•Pay and pay incentives
•Social contact.
•Employee participation and responsibility
•Personal challenge
•Non pay incentives
•Employee appraisal and evaluation

Posted by Amy Me
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Here's my answer to your question

1: Training and personal development is important as it stimulates the employee by making them learn new skills, and keeping them interested over a longer term..

2: Contrary to popular belief, pay is not a contributory factor in employee motivation. Of course it is an important factor for the employee when deciding to accept a job offer at a company, but other than that it is not hugely important. Incentives are a great way to motivate staff to achieve goals, and it becomes a reward for great achievements.

3: Social contact is important for all of us! People in open plan offices always performs better than people enclosed in their separate cubicles. Extra curricular activities such as sport or leisure activities is a great way for people to interact outside the work environment, giving the staff a chance to get to know each other better. This creates a better understanding between employees, and can help prevent disagreements and conflicts.

4: Employee participation and responsibility is hugely important! If a person does not feel valued they may quickly lose interest, and the performance levels will drop! People like to feel that they are making a difference. This does not mean you have to adopt every idea they come forward with, but at least consider any suggestions put forward. Delegate responsibility to the employees, and they will feel a vital part of the organisation! Tell them what needs to be done, not tell them what to do! Empowering employees to take decisions and carry some responsibility has a huge impact on job satisfaction! No matter if it is closing a major business deal at a bluechip company or giving someone the responsibility of keeping the staff canteen organised at a small hotel!

5: Personal Challenge has been answered in point 4.

6: Non pay incentives such as an extra day off, employee of the month schemes, etc is a great way to motivate a team without costing the company much money!

7: Promotion is key! Companies that promotes from within have a much higher staff retention rate than companies who overlook their own staff and outsources candidates for supervisory/managerial position. Promotions also help build staff loyalty, and is a great way to motivate a team to do better!

8: Security… I suppose you mean job security! This is hugely important! If the staff are worried about losing their jobs they will not perform to their very best. The stress that comes with the uncertainty of when they will no longer receive a paycheque will eventually lead to the staff looking elsewhere for employment

9 Last but not the least, Employee appraisal and evaluation! Another very important thing for motivating and monitoring your staff! This should be done every 6 months, or at least yearly, though some companies give mini-appraisals on a monthly basis. This gives the employer a chance to review the employees performance, praise good work, and address any shortcomings. Regular targets for improvement areas should be made and agreed upon. It is a vital tool for employees to feel included in the organisation.

Wow, this became a very long answer! Lol!
Hope it helped!

Housing for gas companies in wyoming?

Posted by Gordon M
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WCA's McMurry Training Center

In September 2004, Governor Freudenthal and the Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission approached the Wyoming Contractors Association about the possibility of conducting training for the oil and gas industry. WCA's CEO and Chairman of the state Workforce Development Council, Charlie Ware was intrigued with the idea and as with everything Mr. Ware is involved with, he ran full steam ahead. After colaboration with JR Justus, Shell Rocky Mountain Division and Chairman of the Rocky Mountain Health, Safety, and Environment Council (HSE), Don Likwartz, Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Director, and many oil & gas industry leaders, and after only four months, the first class was scheduled for March 2005. Without the Founders, who donated, time, money, and equipment; the WCA staff and Board of Directors, and a committment from the oil & gas industry to hire graduating students, none of this would have been possible. WCA has received grants from the U.S. Department of Labor, Department of Workforce Services, and the Veterans' Employment and Training Service to specifically train our students and our soldiers.

This training program is designed to train construction and energy workers in various occupations. The Construction Careers Foundation and the WCA's McMurry Training Center are prepared to produce quality, well trained, and safety sensitive workers for the oil and gas and construction industries.

About WCA's McMurry Training Center
The training will be held at the WCA's McMurry Training Center, located in Casper, Wyoming. This training center has 76 acres of land to conduct the training. For this program, oil & gas companies have donated the necessary equipment and funding to start this program. Industry representatives have identified the instructors working within the oil and gas industry. Instructor ratio at the training center will be one instructor for every 10-12 students.

Phase I
Began March 6, 2005, training drilling rig floor hands for the oil and gas industry. The goal is to train up to 30 floor hands each week for 50 weeks a year. The training will be five days, 10 hours each day. This training regimen will give students an opportunity to experience real life conditions. Training will be designed to meet the International Association of Drilling Contractors Rig Pass standards and include safety, hazard communication and identification, basic well construction, H2S awareness, BOP, Rig Moves, basic nomenclature, personal protective equipment, mixing fluids and working with tongs and slips. Training will include classroom and hands-on training.

Phase II

Scheduled to begin January 8th, 2006 will train heavy equipment operators, welders, carpenters, truck drivers, crane operators, and safety coordinators. WCA has conducted truck driver training for individuals wanting to obtain a CDL. Additionally, WCA has provided CDL training for oil and gas industry personnel through the U.S. Department of Energy and Key Energy Services, Inc.

This varies from company to company. However, the companies represented in this oil and gas training initiative have given this information for their employees:

Drilling Contractors:

Hourly wage rates – $19.25 to $26.00 starting.
Per Diem of $20 – $50 a day is paid for being away from home in addition to wages.
Most offer various types of bonuses in addition to wages and per diem.
Housing is provided either in a man camp or motel close to the rig. If housing is not available the company pays additional
$40 – $50 per day per diem.
Most drillers are willing to work with transportation to and from the rig location.
After 90 days of employment, insurance (medical, dental, vision) is offered.
Vacation, retirement, and other benefits vary from company to company.
Service Companies:

Hourly wage rates – $11 to $18 starting / overtime @ 40 hours paid at time and a half.
Housing is provided when needed by the company or per diem is paid.
Meal Allowance is offered 4 times a day while on the clock @ $7.50
After 90 days of employment, insurance (medical, dental, vision) is offered.
Vacation, retirement 401(k) and other benefits vary from company to company.
Various company associated discounts (Ford / GM / Panasonic / Dell / etc.)

The WCA's McMurry Training Center is well underway thanks to the generosity of the companies classified as "Founders" and the members of the Wyoming Contractors Association!
In order to establish the WCA's McMurry Training Center, donations were sought from oil and gas industry companies. Donations of money, equipment, and training curriculum were and are continuing to be accepted. Donations are made to the Construction Careers Foundation, a 501(c)(3) educational foundation. CCF was established to promote construction & energy industry training. Contributions to CCF are tax deductible.

Donations were classified in three categories, Platinum, Gold, and Silver.
Platinum donations totaled more than $35,000;
Gold donations were between $10,001 – $35,000; and
Silver donations were between $1,000 – $10,000.

This would not have been possible without the support of the Founders and the Wyoming Contractors Association. Both are obviously committed to providing employees with skill, integrity, and responsibility to the state of Wyoming. Our hats are off to you all.

Platinum Founders

The highest level in the Founders category. To be recognized as a Platinum Founder, donations must exceed $35,000.00. The following companies will be recognized as Platinum Founders:

Grey Wolf Drilling
MI Swaco
Shell Rocky Mountain Division
Unit Drilling
Wallers Trucking

Gold Founders
Any donation from $10,001 to $35,000. The following companies will be recognized as Gold Founders:

Questar Corporation
Yates Petroleum
KS Industries of Wyoming
Williams Production RMT
Delta Petroleum Corp.
Patterson-UTI Drilling
Ultra Resources, Inc.
Stone Energy
Devon Energy Corporation
Marathon Oil Company
BP Corproation North America
Silver Founders
Any donation from $1000 to 10,000. The following companies will be recognized as Silver Founders:

Anschutz Exploration Corporation
Caza Drilling
Piney Co.
Hutchinson Oil
Koch Construction
Rain for Rent Western Oilfields Supply Co.
H & N Gold Field Services
M & M International
Basic Energy Services
R & H Supply Inc.
American Oil & Gas Inc.
Gyro Technologies
Inberg Miller
Nerd Gas Company
M & N Equipment LLC
Schlumberger Technology Corporation
Smith International Inc.
Team Casing Inc.

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