Russell Brand Interviews Quantum Physicist Dr. John Hagelin (Part 13) In this video actor/comedian Russell Brand interviews renowned quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin at the David Lynch Fo…

31 Replies to “Russell Brand Interviews Quantum Physicist Dr. John Hagelin (Part 13)”

  1. My understanding is that quantum physics is the fabric of the universe, and
    meditation is you attempting to become one with the universe. Doing so by
    being still, clearing your mind, focusing on the metaphysical. 

  2. He didn’t REALLY say what quantum field theory has to do with meditation.
    No science was explained in this video.

    Apart from the fact that sitting there thinking and reflecting is probably
    healthy and will help you understand shit.

  3. This has been acknowledged for some time, just not as broadcasted. Here are
    some quotes from the past. The ones you see below are from credited
    scientists. And they all pay their tribute to The Holy Vedas of India,
    which surmount an existential abundance of knowledge and teaching.


    Laureate Niels Bohr (1885-1962) –

    ““I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.”

    Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) –

    “Quantum theory will not look ridiculous to people who have read Vedanta.”

    Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)

    “The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and
    continuity of wave mechanics. This is entirely consistent with the Vedanta
    concept of All in One.”

    “Vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular, all happenings are played
    out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves…
    The stages of human development are to strive for Possession (Artha),
    Knowledge (Dharma), Ability (Kama), Being (Moksha)… Nirvana is a state of
    pure blissful knowledge. It has nothing to do with individual. The ego or
    its separation is an illusion. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and
    to develop it further – when man dies his karma lives and creates for
    itself another carrier.”

    “The multiplicity is only apparent. This is the doctrine of the Upanishads.
    And not of the Upanishads only. The mystical experience of the union with
    God regularly leads to this view, unless strong prejudices stand in the


    “There is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in
    the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal
    plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction… The only solution
    to this conflict insofar as any is available to us at all lies in the
    ancient wisdom of the Upanishad.” (Mein Leben, Meine Weltansicht [My Life,
    My World View] (1961), Chapter 4)

  4. Why is a renowned physicist promoting charging silly amounts of money for
    learning to meditate? he must be better than that.

  5. “so we an access, neurologically in our own minds, the unifying field of
    creativity from which all energy and matter has come- perhaps even the
    cosmos and universe itself. Is that what you’re saying?”
    wtf Brand, I’ve been listening to your stuff all night x(
    This is bigger than politics!!!!!

    you ask him “through this we can [build a better political system]”

    How about somebody ask him (omg he’s a real quantum physicist) ask him if
    this connection could turn water into wine!!

  6. Dr. John Hagelin is in “The Secret”

  7. Google TZM The ZeitGeist Movement, Trom movie, Russell brand gets his
    inspiration from the train of thought that they help to disseminate. Jacque
    Fresco is one of the main contributors of the ideas for a resource based
    economy, which TZM helps to promote. Its up to us the people to create the
    change, And the first step is analysis of the problem and potential
    solutions. The Scientific method is very precise at being able to arrive at
    solutions from a given data set, and is far better than our current system
    in which the decisions are arrived at by monetary influence. Check out this
    amazing movie called TROM. 

  8. That was SO awesome 😀 I was SO excited what I really realized the full
    implications of quantum physics! Its so amazing.

  9. I love John Hagelin, he has great credentials, and I believe his knowledge
    of Quantum Physics and TM offer us all incredible solutions. I can’t afford
    a TM course, so I’m doing my own DIY version, but it is already yielding
    very interesting results. Russell Brand is very funny and is on the same
    journey as myself, I find his wisdom and ideas an inspiration. Two great

  10. Russ brings about a sence of fun to this subject, but can’t help thinking
    that he is taking the piss out of this subject, and he is on a new path of
    comedy that will make him rich. good luck to him, either way, I can’t tell
    if he is genuine or not.

  11. Russell brand,is very intelligent,and brainy I like listening to him
    speak,his voice lets his cleverness down .

  12. Just the thought is what changes the world, what we believe is a small
    action is invisible chain that informs the all, even if not consciously
    perceived by all. Responsibility for ones thoughts become the focal point
    to higher frequencies of being. Thank you 

  13. “So we can access, neurologically, in our own minds, the unifying field of
    creativity from which all energy and matter has come perhaps even the
    cosmos and universe itself?” “NO” should have been the definitive, logical
    and honest answer to that question. Quantum physics has literally nothing
    to do with meditation or creativity. These states of being are the result
    of much higher level biological interactions. There is no need to delve to
    the level of quantum physics to explain consciousness & to make such a
    comparison in a setting such as this is detrimental to both fields of

  14. I was really on board with this interview and everything Dr. Hagelin and
    Russell were saying UNTIL Dr. Hagelin mentioned that drivel about humans
    only using 8% of our brains. I’m perturbed that a quantum physicist
    actually believes that antiquated nonsense. Humans use 100% of their
    brains. Every single part of our brains is responsible for something else
    and the relationship and communication between each part is responsible for
    keeping us alive and functioning. 

  15. Look at how brilliant Hagelin is; radiating knowledge. What a pity such
    knowledge does not get more effectively received because of blundering
    egotists whom desire all the attention…

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