Russell Brand talks about Transcendental Meditation at Operation Warrior Wellness launch Since 2005 the David Lynch Foundation has shared Transcendental Meditation with our most stressed populations. If you are inspired by this video please…

26 Replies to “Russell Brand talks about Transcendental Meditation at Operation Warrior Wellness launch”

  1. I freakin love Russell – his intelligence, wit and charm is so contagious,
    he is right on in my opinion about a great many things

  2. Sad that TM is at a costly financial expense. If indeed TM is something
    natural that we should all be doing then it should be FREE so that everyone
    can enjoy and be at peace. The fact that there’s such an expense completely
    contradicts the very nature of the subject which is eradication of stress,
    worry, fear etc .

  3. Brilliant straight off the bat discourse from Brand. You ask yourself just
    how amazing can someone be who can talk with such wit about such a topic
    such as Armed forces PTSD. Esp @ 4:50 This should be seen by more people

  4. could somebody explain me what is the difference between meditation and
    Transcendental Meditation? i mean both aim to the very same point, both
    give the very same results and transcendental experiences, but TM requires
    teachers, ads. and money to spend, and simple meditation is free and
    available for everybody and requires no teachers 😀 so why the hell TM?

  5. haha. Russell’s a joy really. Very charismatic man and his intelligence is
    beyond obvious… Did i mention he’s very handsome?

  6. Beautiful Man. 🙂 (tail wag) Those who suffer the greatly, benefit the
    greatly, from these types of healing conscious connections.

  7. Thank you Russell, you are a light to the world. If you have a strong
    desire for Truth then I encourage you to explore a meditation curriculum
    called “Steps to Knowledge; The Book of Inner Knowing”. The pdf is free.

  8. TM is awsome…
    So is TOO, IN ADDITION, NeuroTappingScience! ((o:=
    The advanced TFT/EFT (ThoughtFieldTherapy/EmothionalFieldTherapy)

  9. Qu’apporte la méditation ?
    Russell Brand talks about Transcendental Meditation at Operation Warrior
    Wellness launch

  10. TM is so expensive though, this puts me off, it is for a privileged few.
    About 4 years ago i found an independent TM teacher, he had separated from
    the main movement, still expensive but not as pricey. It was amazing and i
    kept it going for about one year. However, i am trying to get back into it
    but i feel a bit on my own with it and I would ideally like to have a bit
    of a refresher with a teacher. I contact the TM movement and i was told
    that they could not assist me due to having been taught by an independent
    teacher. Can not possible afford to relearn the technique with a TM
    accredited teacher. 

  11. I’m having a hard time understanding why all the respectable artists are
    coming out to promote TM, which is really a “brand” of meditation that is
    sold for profit. Don’t they realize the ethical conflict here? I went to
    an intro class recently and the 4-lesson “course” was $960, or $160/hr
    (they said it was very simple and easy – really? then why charge so much?).
    How can people reconcile the spiritual message of TM with this kind of
    pricetag?? If it is so good for humanity, like Lynch says it is, then it
    should be given away for FREE, or at most a simple donation-based fee. It
    should NOT be a money-making business. Lynch has plenty of cash – he could
    easily put free instructional videos online.

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