Serenity Through a Course in Miracles – Verses Read
Serenity Through a Course in Miracles
“Reading verses from a A Course In Miracles, the loving narration of Leigh Taylor-Young is interwoven with the penetrating music of the Miracles album by Rob Whitesides-Woo. Selected verses are presented in a meditative style, interwoven with the music of harp, strings, and winds, moving the listener to peace of mind.”

46 Replies to “Serenity Through a Course in Miracles – Verses Read”

  1. The mother of all Catch 22s. You cannot choose illusion, there isn’t any.
    You cannot forgive, there is no one to forgive. Yet, we BELIEVE in
    illusion, we BELIEVE in duality, in evil, we BELIEVE in “the ego.” We
    BELIEVE in good and evil. We BELIEVE we are fallen humans in a “real”
    world. Most of “humanity” is hypnotized, MESMERIZED (the problem). There is
    no ego, no error. There are no mistakes. There is no one to forgive. We
    only BELIEVE problems are real. We are hypnotized into believing we need
    one more correction in the long line of corrections, this time a Course in
    Miracles….“As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he
    remains.” _James Allen, As a Man Thinketh.

  2. There is a distinct emptiness to the Course in Miracles gospel. Not only is
    it not true, but it lacks the things that God and His Son Jesus long to
    give us: forgiveness, freedom from sin, love

  3. *Salvation*
    According to the Bible, salvation is what happens when we repent and come
    to faith – so it is a matter of making a decision to put your trust in
    Jesus to save you and making a decision to forsake sin and live out the
    rest of your life in obedience to Jesus.

  4. Years ago the course worded perfectly for me, what I have always known to
    be true. Do not underestimate your authority to create. My audio sketches
    are helplessly influenced. 

  5. This is such a POWERFUL video. Thank you so much for offering this
    invitation to remember. Hearing such pure words of Truth is invaluable!

  6. This is beautiful, thank you so much for this magnificent video you lovely
    person, it is so greatly appreciated. I listen to it again and again and it
    brings such a peace within and calmness, I feel so light in my body, the
    weight is gone.
    Thank you!

  7. Years ago I read and went through the exercises in A Course in Miracles
    (twice), and it was incredibly valuable for my burgeoning spiritual
    awakening. I just happened to stumble upon it on YouTube and decided to
    have another listen. It’s kind of enlightening to experience it once more
    after all these years of continued spiritual growth.

    Now it appears to me that the Course in Miracles was intended – by the
    universal consciousness/God – as a (much needed) fix/patch/upgrade to
    Christianity in order to eliminate all the anger, darkness and
    misconceptions that have been perpetuated over the millennia in Christ’s

    For Christians who reject the darkness within Christianity (particularly
    the Old Testament) and are looking for a more enlightened worldview, A
    Course in Miracles gives them a highly relatable information source they
    can use to reestablish their connection purely with Christ’s message of
    love, forgiveness, charity, refrain from judgment, etc., without the burden
    of having to “sift out” all the fear and ignorance-based elements that we
    know in our hearts are not of Christ – the biggest one being that God will
    throw us away like so much unwanted trash if we “displease him.”
    (Eventually it becomes clear that we are ALL precious, eternal,
    irreplaceable aspects of God that “he” could no sooner throw away than we
    could our own children. And that this “larger consciousness” will work with
    us for a long as it takes – for as may lifetimes as it takes – for us to
    grow into the purely loving beings that “he” intends for us ALL to become.)

    Considering the recent statements from the Duck Dynasty patriarch, there’s
    still plenty of work to be done within the “Christian consciousness” as a
    whole. And A Course in Miracles is the perfect place to start for
    Christians who are determined to “love like Jesus.” All the best!

  8. hey ,if anyone else wants to uncover attract abundance affirmations try
    Tarbetti Amazing Attraction Tutor(just google it ) ? Ive heard some
    extraordinary things about it and my co-worker got excellent results with

  9. ACIM clarifies the message that Jesus tried to convey 2000 years ago, but
    in vain, as the knowledge of psychological projection was not yet known,
    and wouldn’t be for another 1900 years.

    Read about a psychological view on ACIM in the e-course “A Psychosynthesis
    Perspective on ACIM” : .

  10. Tell us the number of chapters from where you read. Thank you.
    What is the name of the background sound, i knew it from “The story of
    Have a Nice Day

  11. The audiobook done by Leigh, wouldn’t that be something? Well, Let’s enjoy
    this for now ;@)

  12. I Am will dance on new years eve (2013) for all the children of God= human.
    title is” break through 2014″ at church on the hill.
    my hearts desire is I want to dance with you (everyone) in the spirits.
    One with God in Christ consciousness. song is “wings to fly by Susan Boyle”
    Could you dance in meditation for the all human and me and you.
    so we can overcome all problem and fear and hate and we become one in peace
    and love.
    Let’s bring down heaven on earth. ~Eve from Eden, Love you all~

  13. A person that I love has just sent this to me I m opening my heart and
    start to listen to this tape.

  14. I received a copy of this tape over 16 years ago. I listened to it until it
    broke. I then found another one on the internet and bought it. Now it has
    broke from use too. So I’m going to get another copy. I love it. I put it
    on when I lay down to go to sleep and it makes me feel so peaceful.

  15. Yes, this changed my perspective too, during that type of time period
    1990’s. Ditto thanks to ColdCoffee86!

  16. I found this beautiful tape years ago and have been looking for a new
    version for a long time. Just want to let you know it’s now available as cd
    or download at the lovely music site serenitymusic (dot) com. Always nice
    to support the artists who do such beautiful work on our behalf. Thank you
    Leigh and Rob!

  17. Becoming more willing to stop smoking.. This message works to bring self
    love, as a child I was told “I wish you were never born” Today I am glad to
    be here.

  18. I had the same experience. I wore out several cassettes starting about 25
    years ago. This is the best of 3 tapes. The greatest gift to anyone I can

  19. I First heard this on a cassette tape in 1992. It changed my life! Thank
    you for your inspiration to share this recording…, now I can share it via
    email with all my friends and family!! Thank you so much!!

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