Stan Lee talks Marvel vs DC and the secret to Marvel’s cinematic success!

Stan Lee gave us all our childhoods (some of us our current geekhoods as well!). Now he sits down with us to talk Marvel vs DC, his favorite collaborators, the REAL secret behind Marvel’s movie success and more!

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Also, big thanks to Stan Lee’s Comikaze!

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46 Replies to “Stan Lee talks Marvel vs DC and the secret to Marvel’s cinematic success!”

  1. I would love to see a collab with marvel and dc. It wouldn’t happen but it
    would be cool and they would get a shit load of money. It would be like
    Mayweather vs Pacquiao lol.

  2. Marvel Fanboy: “DC fanboys are always dissing Marvel”

    Reality: for every comment dissing Marvel, there’s at least 10 dissing DC

  3. i love marvel dc is alright but i think marvel has more iconic characters
    (Spiderman,Wolverine,Captain America) BUT I think Batman is personally the
    best comic book character made

  4. Lol super man gets beat by Thor cough magic super man done and batman
    spider man because the bat use the night and it would not do nothing to
    spider man if batman had prep time maybe but nope spider man wins spider
    sense then its all over for you dc fanboys

  5. While I am more of a Marvel fan, I do in fact DC, and I will not bash any
    of its animated cartoons unless it’s Teen Titans Go!.

    I grew up with Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited as a kid, and
    rediscovered the latter a year ago. I also discovered Avengers: Earth’s
    Mightiest Heroes, and enjoyed that as well.

  6. I remember when I was around 8 (so about 7 years ago) ,my dad brought home
    this big book filled with about a hundred XMen comics. I never had any real
    interest in it until about a year ago, and now I read those comics whenever
    I get the chance. I have also just started a comic book collection of my
    own. So, Id say Stan Lee did a good job if Im willing to go out, buy about
    6 comics at a time, and read them every chance I can get.

  7. Im tired of this marvel vs dc who’s better and shit they both good im a
    marvel fan since I started reading comics wen I was 9 never really got into
    dc but I grew up with the super friends and batman tv shows which are
    pretty lame the incredible hulk was awesome wen it hit the tv so was spidey
    ww sucks but I did fall in love with superman the movie and the batman in
    the late 80s its then that I felled in love with bats dark gritty version
    not that neon lights crap they gave us threw the 90s now marvel came out
    with a bang n dc fans r pissed dc had there time n they screwed the pooch
    (make mine marvel) nuff”said

  8. I prefer Marvel’s superheroes than the DC superheroes (except Batman, he’s
    awesome). But I prefer DC’s (or Batman’s) villains. To me, their just more
    Basically what I’m trying to say is Marvel superheroes are cool, and I
    don’t really give a crap about the DC heroes that are not Batman, because
    he’s awesome, and he’s Batman.

  9. Why can’t people in the comments talk about how great superheroes are in a
    whole and how great Marvel and DC are instead of having pissing contests
    saying how one sucks? 

  10. Why would anyone ask Stan Lee what character he created he would trade?
    That is like a parent giving away his or her kids to their neighbor for one
    of their crappy drug addict kids lol 🙂

    DC you the drug addict kid!!!! Lol jk 🙂 I kid I respect you DC just I love
    Marvel more lol :)

  11. In all honesty, I respect stan lee and everything he’s done, but I prefer
    DC over marvel. When you think about it, Justice League vs Avengers. I see
    no challenge in that. Justice League any day.

  12. U they should make a movie with hulk and superman working together vs
    doomsday and dark side or ultron but I don’t think marvel and dc will ever
    make that happen

  13. You know when old people complain about the youth? Most of the time they’re
    right. And I’m not even that old.

  14. marvel is better DC because DC is more of alians and that stuff and the
    villens are better, but from DC joker is my favorite villian. 

  15. first of all dc i dont see the good thing of it and second of all marvel is
    just awsome alright injustice its great but dont forget top classics from
    marvel games.

  16. at least i knowe 1 name that made marvel i knowe no names ho made dc
    also marvel makes beter movies but dc got beter animated movies
    batman got a good game serie i knowe no marvel game serie
    dc got a beter show but marvel is starting to catch up whit agent carter
    dc and marvel both got good comixs

  17. HEY YOU TUBER IM ACTING AS DEAD POOL HERE. pls tell stan lee that mr james
    howe here told stan lee that HES THE BEST PLS.

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