Stool Sample and Intestinal Parasites, a Functional Medicine approach Dr. Patrick Krupka discusses the proper ways, using functional medicine, to test for intestinal parasites, yeast, candida, pathogenic bacteria, and other gut related issues. If you have digestive issues, autoimmune problems, or other chronic health issues…you NEED to watch this video. A functional medicine approach to your healthcare can be an efficient way to deal with chronic or confusing symptoms.

30 Replies to “Stool Sample and Intestinal Parasites, a Functional Medicine approach”

  1. If you want to know IF you have parasites, its not that hard to tell….

    Pay attention to the full moon, and even 2-3 days Before the full moon.
    What happens is the female parasites travel intoto the intestines to lay
    their eggs, and they lay 200,000 eggs A DAY ! Yes…parasites travel… and
    they do so in and out of the intestinal wall (which by the way, is where
    ‘Leaky Gut’ comes from… but that another story….)

    During this travel time for them (which is called Larva Migrans) … you
    will feel out of sorts, depressed, moody & irritable, and many other
    things. This happens around the full moon time and is the reason why
    hospitals go crazy at the full moon … because its actually the parasites
    that are making people go batty, not just the people themselves. The
    weirder the behaviour the person exhibits, the more infested they are with

    I know this because I am 1 of 60 moderators on the Facebook group called CD
    Autism… and we help over 6,000+ mothers recover their children from the
    Autism Spectrum… and 99% of these children (and their parents) are
    infested with the Ropeworm & roundworm parasites (some flukes as well) …
    as some of the mothers post their parasite photos (cleaned up of course)
    within the group so we can see and compare what the kids are passing.

    Again… this ALL happens at the full moon time.

    At the New Moon (2 weeks later) is when the eggs hatch and roughly the same
    behaviour happens all over again.

    It is like Clockwork 🙂

    Just thought I’d share…


  2. I’ve done the Genova test in the UK and it found I have two parasites, one
    of which is Blastocystis. Have you treated this parasite before? My
    nutritionist has given me Berberine and Grapefruit Seed, and VSL#3, but
    from what I have read the only way to clear Blastocystis fully is to take a
    combination of three antibiotics.

  3. Is the newer Genova Diagnostics comprehensive stool
    analysis2.0+parasitology worth doing in your opinion ?

  4. I’m having long periods of constipation followed by very odorous diahria is
    this a sign of a parasite or c diff?

  5. @DrPatrickKrupka Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to take a pill to kill worms
    whether or not you do have them like we do dogs once a month?

  6. haveing abd pains,bleeding ,headaches,itchy eyes butt and skin, everything
    in body gets sharp pains like im being eaten, recently my heart and brain
    have been hurting more and more , and pooing little visible black segmented
    worms what do u say bvout that , any info email me at …, im 17 and my name is benjamin nichols, please
    help if possble!!!!!!

  7. I did not know any of that. Lol. I certainly don’t want any of those
    parasites in me. Are parasites very common?

  8. Hello Dr. Patrick Krupka, I’m on a quest about Candida Albican. So far I
    have found they resistant to many anti-fungal medicines. The video caught
    my attention is the stool, have taken a picture for my recorded because
    what I am seeing absolutely out of the norm. A detox by renew life called
    Canigone is working so I appears in the toilet and more better days than
    not. Anyway you provided some very good info for my research. I reside in
    Canada which is to bad for me. Thx Brenda

  9. Dear Dr, a few days ago I ate sushi and I liked it so much that I ate
    probably 7 of them. and the next day I did research about parasite and I
    worry that I might get it because of sushi. Do you think if I get parasite
    for eating sushi just one time in my life? I am so scared. My mind is
    playing trickes with me and I feel like zillion worms are invading my
    brain. Please, tell me if I should worry or should I wait for simptoms and
    what type?

  10. I did not know any of that. Lol. I certainly don’t want any of those
    parasites in me. Are parasites very common?

  11. You’d be surprised how often we deal with these issues in the office.
    Intestinal issues, including parasites, worms, yeast, etc are so common
    these days.

  12. mmuscle spasms and headaches, im stressed beond beliefe., i cry all the
    time from stress and pain, its keeping me from going to school and
    educating myself…i had 100% and awesome grades and athletic abilities and
    now im stupider and cant even feed all the animals in yard before i get to
    light headed that i almost pass out! if you were here to talk to and show i
    would convince u the symptoms and pain are real and severe. dehydrated
    almost to point of organ failure, been to er twice last week.!

  13. @nickbramlett , The cheapest price for this test is $395.00, and it is a
    kit that you use at home to collect the sample, then it has a pre-paid
    Fed-Ex mailer to get it to the lab. Then you should expect to have some
    cost to have a doctor (hopefully a Functional Medicine Doc) walk you
    through the results and develop a plan of action for you. If you want to
    arrange to get a kit, call my office (281) 664-6464

  14. 032992jlv, I’m glad that you found this information helpful, and thanks for
    commenting. The lab that offers this test is “Metametrix Labs” out of
    Atlanta, GA. The test is available nationwide as far as I know. You can
    contact the lab and ask for a practitioner near you that uses the test, or
    you can call my office and I’ll get you a kit. You can find my contact
    information at

  15. Are you now in Texas or PA? I live in San Antonio and have thyroid diease
    and saw you video about the thyroid. I would like to visit your clinic if
    you are in Houston, I believe you said. I have Fibro as well so, my mind
    doesn’t work so well sometime.

  16. The cheapest noninvasive test for bacteria, fungi, mold, and worms is foot
    glyphology. How many Naturopaths in America use foot glyphology (or
    sclerology) to diagnose disease??

  17. Benjamin, I understand how horrible you must feel. You need to get in touch
    with Metametrix labs at Metametrix. com and find out if there is a doctor
    in your area who uses the GIfx stool test. You MUST find out what’s in your
    gut and see if you can get this under control. Don’t give up!!

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