Superstar DJ Tiesto tells the secret behind his global success

Superstar DJ Tiesto tells CNN’s Anna Coren the secret behind his global success.

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47 Replies to “Superstar DJ Tiesto tells the secret behind his global success”

  1. Whoever Dennis Waakop is, and whichever underground trance dj you’re
    talking about, the main thing is he’s a real dj, without going too deep
    into that topic, he’s one of few who can change a large set as it’s
    happening. Respect. To be able to do it for a long time as a profession,
    secret…………………. remembering who you are regardlees of how much
    money you have, and with that comes personal development, self respect,
    being centered so your identity stays strong and reflects your music
    through time,consistency, having just enough love with ladies and who
    atleast have some wits as to what’s safe. Sound easy????? Anyone big in the
    music for more than 10 years deserves nothing but due respect, no matter
    what commercial or pop category they might get put in. Some people aren’t
    so cool as others, maybe you study full time, or have cetrain life
    pressures or struggles or had been raised in a very strict family
    up-bringing and slightly messed up from it all, those people just wanna get
    out once in a while and just have some f*?$n fun.

  2. Why don’t you tell CNN you hire other people to write your music and then
    throw your name on top of it as if it was yours.

  3. he didn’t say shit about the secret behind his global success…
    I expect this from online shit ad campaigns trying to make a few bucks
    selling you the secrets to success or whatever, but CNN? you REALLY have
    stooped that low huh.

  4. Turns out in the netherlands when a baby is born they give them turntables
    and headphones instead of passifires.

  5. silence his breaktrough? what about norefjell, sparkles, flight 643, …
    (btw: for me there is only ‘silence’, the fade’s sanctuary mix)

  6. He earnt 23 million in 2011 and you earnt what?? O yeah I take it the
    bitching about him is out of jealousy then.

  7. who here honestly would have thought they would ever see the day cnn do an
    interview of an electronica dj!?!?
    I cant believe he’s actually 43 yrs old at the time of this interview!
    look at his smile, his face is just beaming. I also love the fact that he
    is a philanthropist. you don’t hear too much about that kinda stuff out of
    the electronica scene. I have no problem supporting this guy.

  8. Every needs to stop fucking bitching about tiestos life. If he wanted to
    change is because maybe he got bored. Trance gets boring as fuck too. Big
    room house is exicting and if you dont like it go cry on big dick because
    no one is going back for you things are changing. Maybe you dont like the
    new music because all you oussies just jack off at home and dont listen to
    it live where it sounds amazing. I just wanna punch all of you faggots in
    the face

  9. I’ve always liked Tiesto, as a DJ his music makes me want to dance around
    but it’s not aggressive, I’d describe his sound as euphoric. And I
    personally like him as a man as well, he’s always come across as very
    humble and happy that other people enjoy his music. He answered the last
    question well; without sounding like he had an ego he described how he can
    differentiate between crowds and play exactly what they want to hear. He
    always takes his time to warm up, I’ve seen him live and it’s a great
    atmosphere, when he smiles, it makes the crowd smile and that’s the key to
    a good entertainer! :)

  10. I miss the tiesto trance era as well but if he’s on to a new flavor someone
    else will step up, isn’t that what hardwell is doing?

  11. +zombrex
    No edm didn’t originate in the uk. Electronic music has roots in Detroit
    and Chicago in the early 80’s. Know your shit before you comment and look

  12. Dj’s are so lame !!! Anyone can learn to do that in 5 minutes. Try learning
    an actual instrument you sorry ass DJ’s !!! The only reason this musci is
    popular is cause people are are mindless idiots and cant focus on mpre than
    1 thing at a time. <---------20 Year Bass, Drums and Guitar player right here.

  13. Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard before i’m sure…”Do what you love,
    and you will be successful”
    So they say, and this man is proof

  14. He is famous mostly because of his Adagio, Silence, I don’t need to need
    you. All Trance. His new style is not that much great, however I find his
    Somebody I Used To Know (remix) and Move To The Rhythm still amazing.

  15. i wasn’t impresed when Tiësto was in Denmark To EDM.. i think even Hardwell
    did a better job :). he was more like on stage , Tiësto was just like
    putting the hands up all the time :O 

  16. this guys change 10 shirt a concert so they totality deserve their money
    not like some dumb fucks of the industry that i know playback shit
    is just sad tiesto have gone house and forgot his rots 

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