Svadhisthana Balance Guided Meditation

In this post we offer a guided meditation to balance the Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana. We look at the purpose of the 2nd chakra, the energies associated with our health and why it is vital that we ensure we open and balance the Sacral Chakra.

The name of this chakra comes from 2 words

Svā = Self

Adhishthāna = seat, residence

Our Svadhisthana Chakra is found approximately 2 – 3 centimeters above the base of the spine, above Muladhara Chakra and 3 – 4 centimeters below the navel.

It is responsible for energies associated with our evolving the sense of us as an individual.

Sacral Chakra Energy Symbols And Color.
The color associated with Swadhisthana the Sacral Chakra is ORANGE, the color of fire.

This color symbolizes energies of purification, activity, joy, hope and self-confidence.

Orange is the color of a sunrise and the orange tones of Swadhisthana symbolize the strength and hopes of the new day.

When we balance the Sacral chakra we master the energies of cheerfulness, faith, self-confidence and become invigorated.

Orange is also the color of sunset and autumn. This reminds us that as the sun fades into autumn and the light withdraws at sunset, we at times are required to turn our consciousness inwards.

When we look within, we withdraw from the outside world and we can concentrate on Swadhisthana the Sacral Chakra. This allows us to find answers to any questions we may have about the future and our purpose.

The Link Between Muladhara And Swadhisthana.
Muladhara the Base Chakra is an energy storehouse. It is the center where all of our past experiences and our karma is held.

Swadhisthana the Sacral Chakra provides us with our sense of self, enabling the energies required for us to recognize experiences and karma, to activate learning and the opportunity to purify them.

Our weaknesses and mistakes are located in the Sacral Chakra. A balanced Sacral chakra allows us to explore ourselves and the opportunity to develop our human consciousness to a higher level.

When we use this guided meditation to balance the Sacral Chakra we can develop our true unique nature. Swadhisthana enables us to bring our base instincts under control. We are able to transform them and ultimately transcend them.

When represented the image of Swadhisthana always has 6 Petals. These petals symbolize the six human obstacles on our path of development:

There is also always a half-moon represented which symbolizes the energies associated with Swadhisthana. Our emotions and the feminine.

Water Element
The element associated with Swadhisthana is Water.

Water can be gentle, soft and yielding. It can be cleansing. It can nurture and provide sustenance. We are unable to survive if there is a lack of water.

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