What is the “Life Alchemy Diet”?: Personal Transformation And Daily Life
What is the “Life Alchemy Diet”?: Robert Pino (Director, Robert Pino Center for Growth)
No bird soars too high, if it soars with its own wings… — Friedrich Nietzsche
What is the “Life Alchemy Diet”?: Robert Pino (Director, Robert Pino Center for Growth)
What is the “Law of Alignment”?: Robert Pino (Director, Robert Pino Center for Growth)
Yoga is considered nowadays the best method to strengthen the mind and body. And millions are performing Yoga on a day-to-day basis. It would even more effective and wonderful when Continue Reading →
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You can start your meditation journey from My Meditation. This is a very small gift who love Meditation The way of experience the love, peace, and stillness that is within Continue Reading →
Daily Positive Morning Affirmations For Personal Transformation Affirmations will make a big difference in your life. Affirmations will re-program your subconscious mind and substitute your old values with new optimistic Continue Reading →
Laura Pollina, spokesperson and Catherine Brandt, CEO of Rebootizer USA join us to look at how we can make our bodies work better naturally, at your body’s own pace
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