The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People — by: Stephen Covey.

How about a quick peek at one of the all-time classics?!? In this PN TV episode we have fun checking out “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“.

Hope you enjoy!

25 Replies to “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey”

  1. Thank You so much for being so generous with your knowledge and stuff. You
    have helped me to reach a breakthrough in my life. Just wondering, are
    you Canadian? And why are you living in Ecuador?

  2. Your enthusiasm is excellent Brian. Engaging and palpable. Your style is
    relatable to an everyday audience, which is very refreshing (for such a
    heavy subject). Cheers

  3. Great One, nicely communicated. Am i right missing habit number 4? as it
    starts as habit num3 and and as it was habit n4 and n5 is…

  4. Hi Brian, I am watching your VDOs first time & found it so helpful. You
    have put together & summarized the content of each book in very subtle way.
    It in fact triggers encouragement to read the book. Thanks a a lot for all
    your efforts in putting these VDOs for wider audience. Hope to get more
    from you. Is there any way I can contact you? 

  5. Hi Brian, awesome, very well put together video. I’m checking out your
    channel right after this 🙂 Thanks for sharing and keep posting please!

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