The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Educators Screener

Screener for The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Educators distributed by Contemporary Arts Media Trainers love its flexibility, re…

13 Replies to “The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Educators Screener”

  1. Brilliant. Added to my favourites to show to teachers who want to keep
    themselves like the good teacher in this skit.

  2. Thanks for sharing I invite you visit my blog. I share many of the teaching
    strategies that I use in my class that are out-of-the-box such as shopping
    for the author’s purpose, hands-on comprehension strategies etc.

  3. Traditional, closed off, stuck in her ways = Rush Limbaugh? I don’t like
    him either, but this was a low blow.

  4. But the crowd still goes “hyuck-hyuck-hyuck” and gets an endorphin-shot
    from confirmation that they’re all on the same team.

  5. I have used these video segments as great transitional pieces during PD
    training- perfect, brilliant, and the needed sense off humor in every
    training to keep the attendees engaged and wanting more!

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