The key to transforming yourself — Robert Greene at TEDxBrixton

Why do we fixate on the things we can see immediately when we crave change? In this passionate talk Robert Greene shares the key to transforming ourselves an…

37 Replies to “The key to transforming yourself — Robert Greene at TEDxBrixton”

  1. I may sound a bit harsh, but this guy doesn’t seem to be a living example
    of his writing – nothing about him appears powerful or seductive.

  2. This is such a great Ted vid by the author of one of my favorite books on
    power. He explains how all the instances of our life create transformation
    and it is a novel way of looking at the whole process. Highly recommend
    this one.

  3. Intelligent TED talk from Robert Greene – the author of 48 Laws of
    Power. I’m curious.. What was your key to transforming yourself into a new

  4. I always loved business but almost found myself in premed in college and
    wasted a few years on that… thankfully I got back to my first love. Its
    funny to think that it was something i was into doing when i was a kid.

  5. Robert….brilliant writer.
    Some of you think because A WRITER writes on a subject, he mimics every
    antidote he mentions. WRONG. He may not believe in acting like Machiavelli
    and he may not be a Narcissist.

    Robert…thank you for sharing your Intimate Ideas and Thoughts! I do so
    appreciate it!

  6. The experiences of life’s journey and following your heart and mind helps
    you to fulfil your density << film reference - destiny ;0) 

  7. I loved this video..His book art of seduction is one of my favs..but my
    question is what if your not good at anything? I’m 23 and still have zero
    clue what I want to do with my life or what I’m good at. 

  8. When I was a kid a was insanely drawn to music and crafty hobbies… Now
    I’m a student in economics , it doesn’t “resonate with my personality” at
    all. What should I do?

  9. How does one simply “travel all across Europe”? He makes it sound so easy,
    I think most people watching this would choose to do that if it were.

  10. A lot of people don’t understand that the person who truly understands
    power doesn’t sit on the throne, he stands behind it.

  11. What he’s saying is very simple and we, yet, manage to remain oblivious to
    it. He’s not clear enough, he makes all of this this sound too mystical
    (Even if I started talking about para realities and alternative universes I
    wouldn’t sound as blurry), but he is referring to the act of acquiring
    consciousness, of understanding what the heck’s goinna’round ya. Said,
    understanding yourself and working, thus, on inner flaws in order to solve
    them. I used to be a money-holic, I worked on the envious, jealous, greedy
    side of mine (amongst so many others. God forbid I’ll ever stop
    improving) to be a better, happy person. So I became an narcissistic
    altruist. Finally, he says, be happy; that’s how we will find happiness. 

  12. Interesting that his goal was to expose the very people who would use his
    books religiously to abuse and manipulate others.

  13. Not everybody has the power of oratory, but yes the power of writing.
    Great Story!
    Thank you for your thoughts.

  14. So basically just be fortunate enough and have a lot of money to travel.
    Then while on those travels get lucky and have someone with connections
    promote your work. Seems doable. 

  15. Remember that his writing is unique and out of ordinary. He might look and
    speak like your neighbor next door, but please recognize the genius.
    I am so grateful about listening to this video. Make the best of it 

  16. This will help you to change yourself into a perfect, immortal, spiritual
    being (what you already are but don’t know): go to TruthContest◙com and
    read ~The Present~

  17. omg there are gaps of a few seconds and sentences. Why is he not standing
    in the center of the stage or why is he filmed in this weird angle? This
    really doenst look good and doesnt do him justice.

  18. Basically saying that we should focus on making ourselves better, and not
    focus on other people’s success. Eventually after focusing on bettering
    yourself you will become successful, or at least that’s how it worked for

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