The power of positive expectation

Expectation is an attractive force. Whatever we expect in life, we attract into our life.

Expect more bills and you’ll attract more bills. Expect more things to be grateful for, and you’ll attract more things to be grateful for.

The word „expect“ comes from the Latin word „expectare“: „ex“ meaning „thoroughly“ and „spectare“ meaning „to look.“ Etymologically speaking, to expect something means to intently look out for something. Whatever we look out for, whatever we seek, we shall find. Why? Because our very seeking magnetically attracts it into our life. That’s why: Seek and you shall find. Don’t seek and you shall not find 🙂

Take a moment today and ask yourself what, deep down in your heart, you truly expect in life? Do you expect to succeed? Do you expect to stay ill or get healthy? Do you expect to live that happy relationship and enjoy that happy dream that you have always dreamed of experiencing? Do you expect to leave this world as an Integrated Enlightened Master? Do you expect to grow Soul-aware by the time you leave this world again? Or do you expect to fail, to get sick, to stay broke and to remain a victim for the rest of your life?

What do you truly expect? Write it down. And then begin at once to replace any negative expectations with utterly positive ones. We get in life what we focus on. We get in life what we look for.

Remember, we live in a world of energies and forces. Expectation is an attractive force which, though invisible, is as real a force as is electricity. That’s why expectations are so powerful, and that’s why it is so important that we replace any and all negative expectations with utterly positive ones.

Let’s all expect to leave this world as Integrated Enlightened Masters 🙂

If you can see the value of striving for such a noble goal, everything we offer at the I AM University is intended to help you reach this goal. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES.

ACTION STEP: Take a moment today and ask yourself what, deep down in your heart, you truly expect in life? Systematically replace any negative expectations with positive ones. Expect health, abundance, joy, great friendships and wonderful opportunities! Expect all the good life has to offer, knowing that the Divine seeks to express through you in ever greater ways. Expect little, receive little. Expect much, receive much! This is the law.

TURN YOUR PROBLEMS INTO PROJECTS: Do you have personal problems and challenges that you would like to solve quickly, masterfully and joyfully by turning them into inspiring projects and catalysts for Spiritual growth? Or would you just like some help stepping into self-mastery and speeding up your evolutionary journey? If so, you may book a one-to-one coaching appointment with Gloria HERE.

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