25 Replies to “Think and Grow Rich Audio Book by Napoleon Hill BEST VERSION”

  1. Hill is many times depicted to be some Charlatan, with Carnegie his partner
    in crime. This is not their intent, but it does confirm the lessons
    Carnegie offers us by way of Hill.

    The most profound – if but for the profound irony – quote/tenet of the work
    is summed up best here:

    *Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all
    sources of retreat. Only by doing so can one be sure of maintaining that
    state of mind known as a burning desire to win – essential to success*

    *Napoleon Hill*

  2. I love Napoleon Hill!!! My life has been forever changed with these
    principles. I have been blessed to become apart of a start up company 15
    months ago and we did 100,000 million is sales our first year. Looking for
    positive self motivated people. E-mail me vander3200@gmail.com if you
    would like me to send you any videos/info on our company:)

  3. Wait…The original audiobook is over ten hours long. How summarized is
    this copy that runs for only two hours?

  4. It’s a little deep for my liking. But apart from the waffling it’s actually
    very helpful. Good luck to all who take this in x

  5. The one book that is not in my library as of yet. It will be very soon
    though. Great wisdom in these words. Thanks for posting!! 🙂 

  6. It’s amazing I’m so happy and joyful the I have fund this video it’s ben a
    blessing for my life!

  7. “INDECISION is the seedling of FEAR!”
    — Napoleon Hill, amzn.com/1604591870 (1937)

    “If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and
    get busy.”
    — Dale Carnegie, amzn.com/0671027034 (1936)

    “Fear is nothing but a laziness of will.”
    — Eliphas Levi, amzn.com/1475282699 (1862)

  8. Read the book twice back in college and the voice in my head never sounded
    like that. LoL, they should’ve called him Napoleon Hillbilly. Jokes aside,
    one of the 5 greatest books ever written.

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