44 Replies to “Your Daily Dose of Coconut Oil”

  1. I first heard about coconut oil about a year ago from one of your clips. I
    noticed an improvement in memory almost immediately and take 3 to 4 table
    spoons, minimum, every day. If you want a dynamite coffee, add cream a
    little honey and a TBS or more of coconut oil to your coffee then whip it
    to get the oil mixed in, and you will have the best cup of coffee you’ve
    ever had. Just try to stop after one cup.

    Thank you Dr. Fife.

  2. It’s nice to see a doctor promote organic, all natural remedies. Usually
    many doctors just prescribe medicine because that’s how they make money.
    Doctors only make money when people are sick! The more sick you get, the
    more you go and see the doctor! How will doctors make money when everyone
    is well?! Thank you Dr. Bruce for being a TRUE doctor that actually wants
    to help people.

  3. no no no it can raise colesterol.
    i tried it and failed in just 2 weeks. do your research
    before you try. a better solution. try raw foods, juicing, and balanced
    diet. lots of water. and no
    processed foods. 

  4. This guy looks and sounds like Ned Ryerson from Groundhogs Day. Am I
    right or am I right… or am i right.. right. please somebody tell
    me they know what i mean.

  5. From my own experience you need to start slow. I recommend starting with
    1/4 teaspoon a few times a day working up to a teaspoon etc.

  6. I have heard dr.’s say never ever swallow coconut oil. I think more
    research needs to be done before I would take this. there’s just to many
    dr’s that are not agreeing with this dr.

  7. It’s great that it’s been discovered that coconut oil can possibly cure
    Alzheimer’s disease! We covered this on our channel if anyone is
    interested! Have a great day!

  8. the west keep saying over 100yrs that coconut oil is bad for u now they r
    finding out something asian been knowing for thousand of yrs its good for u.

  9. Does it have to be Virgin Coconut Oil? What I have is “All Natural pure
    Coconut oil”. Is that the same or as good for the brain and body as Virgin
    Coconut oil is?

  10. Coconut oil is a cheap natural product with no side effects. You can talk
    to 100 people and it will make no difference. It can work for all 100 and
    still not work for you. The only way to know is to buy a jar of good
    quality virgin oil and try it for a reasonable amount of time. If you get
    results, it worked for you. If not, you got a nice coconut taste and a
    chance to try something else (like finding a way to dial down the meds)

  11. Would have been much more useful to talk about the health benefits rather
    than talking about how it melts and solidifies. -_-

  12. What exactly are the health benefits? They weren’t mentioned. I use it in
    my hair and skin. What are the benefits if consumed?

  13. wtf has UKIP got to do with this? Countless charities such as Oxfam, the
    Red Cross, water Aid, tax payers etc etc throw billions at these countries.
    Sub-saharan Africans have low IQs and are hence not equipped to develop
    their countries. Get over it

  14. Sub-saharan Africans and Hispanics, who have poverty-stricken societies
    have low IQs. FACT. They get BILLIONS every single year from wealthy
    nations and they piss it all up the wall. FACT. I’ve seen it with my own
    eyes. Africans selling the assets given to them by rich nations for drugs
    and corruption. Wake up you fool

  15. Rubbish. If you believe US and Europe are net contributors to the third
    world, you need to study economics and politics. The oil revenues, weapons
    sales and interest payments dwarf the very public aid that appears to flow
    into Africa. Any leader who upsets the status quo is overthrown,
    assassinated or ruined economically. The US and Europe are bankrupt despite
    plundering trillions. This is not indicative of a high I.Q. society.

  16. TBH the 3rd world gets billions of $, £ and Euros every single year from
    Europe, the USA and other rich societies. They never seem to be able to
    improve. Sun-saharan Africans and Hispanics are documented in the journals
    to have relatively low IQs. They haven’t got the capability to make life
    work for them


  18. yeah, the concept that c/oil was bad destroyed the coconut industry of the
    equatorial countries and islands….just for soyabean farmers to
    thrive…how shameful.

  19. I never voted for Labour and that’s something that you never considered.
    Sub-saharan Africans have low IQs; its well established. Smell the coffee
    yet? No I guess not

  20. cheap? not here. You’d think it could be a lot cheaper than it is, with all
    the coconut available and people in many of those regions who could use the
    income from it!

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