Think and Grow Rich: The Lost Secret for a free print copy of the number one selling success book of all time. In this video you’ll discover the lost “secret” from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It’s a pyramid of three powerful success principles.

34 Replies to “Think and Grow Rich: The Lost Secret”

  1. Now action (the top of the pyramid) does not mean physical action only,
    imagination is acting without acting, the subconscious mind cannot tell the
    difference between the physical and imaginary action.

  2. *People are looking for the truth for egoistic reasons.*
    *They are victims of their own indulgences and will never find awakening.*

    *Do you want to know the **truth of life** that will require serious
    sincerity to know it, to get it?*
    *You can not fake it. Life only gives you what you need; not what you want.*

  3. Ok I agree that this is an important principle but it is not the secret,
    all the principles must be applied not just one. Tonny Robbins talk abut
    this in an interview with Frank Kern. To me the secret is in applaying the
    principles, that in the end there is no secret it is just the application
    of principles. It is true that for evry person there will be a missing
    principle that will look like a secret but it is just a principle that you
    didn’t apply.

  4. There is a difference between belief and faith. Belief is when you think
    something will work and faith is when you KNOW something will work. You
    must have faith (know) you will achieve your goal for them to come true.
    All winners expect to win in advance, life is a self filling prophecy.

  5. Pretty beneficial training video, nonetheless there are far more successful
    techniques regarding wealth …

  6. The saying that desire is the secret to success can be misleading as desire
    can lead to frustration . So, desire with consciousess and no obsession
    should be more of a complete recommendation in my humble opinion….

  7. I have been studying this material for the last 15yrs or so. Guess what?
    Not “ONCE” have i came across a book that says “HOW” to do it? HOW TO
    develop the “desire” , how do you DEVELOP FAITH? Not once book/cd/audio
    program in the last 15yrs. The talk is cheap, anyone can write a book that
    says things.

  8. Good points, however they are tricky as well. For example, what if you
    believe in a project that in reality isn’t a viable, profitable one yet
    because you believe in it so much that you ignore people’s negative
    feedback? Belief is a good thing but it can also be destructive

  9. Very comprehensive and helpful, a simple application towards a desired
    goal. No religious banter, spiritual mumbo jumbo. 

  10. This is from the book on how to obtain financial independences the book
    that procedes all other books on the same subject,a must read for anyone
    serching to be financially independent!!

  11. You could have just drawn a circle and said desire and faith with action
    creates a snowball in motion effect. Pyramids scare people because it’s
    related to schemes, and even corporate organizational charts. Best to keep
    life more simple.

  12. Leaving out one key point. Desire and Faith in selfishness that is counter
    productive to the Enlightenment of the Soul, will not be allowed to happen
    (by High Self). The pyramid also represents the Holy Trinity
    misunderstanding. 3 minds inside a Soul. Young Self (childish impulsive
    version of you that does not care about consequences, just experiences.
    Also called Id). Talking Self (Ego, wants experiences good or bad that
    pleasures themselves but cares about Consequences like jail or fines, even
    execution that could hinder selfish playtime.) and High Self at the top of
    the Pyramid that is the True You overlooking and affecting the other two
    versions of you. During what people call Physical Incarnation towards pure
    Soul Enlightenment in the Earth School is the understanding and acceptance
    and love of yourself for all your choices, forgive yourself and love
    yourself, know you are One with everything including all others and there
    is only One Mind in Eternity so as you hurt, control other people, animals
    or just enjoy destroying anything, you are actually Hurting yourself.
    Practice unconditional Love, and understanding, forgiveness of not just
    others but yourself. When you finally and truly Love and forgive yourself
    you automatically do that to others that are different versions of One True
    Mind. All 3 Mind versions will Join as One in complete Acceptance,
    Unconditional Love, Understanding, and Eternal Forgiveness of yourself and
    others for any and all actions. Misunderstanding, control, egotistical
    behavior and drive to perpetuate those Fixes will be gone from your
    Enlightened Soul, because you understand and Love unconditionally why you
    came here in the first place, you will be Awake. Things we call Miracles,
    Superpowers, Psychic, events in time fall increasingly in your favor will
    be common place for you.

  13. I agree this is one of the more important principles to succes. From all
    that i have tried in life, i learned that it only is will only succeed if i
    have a real passion for it. Unfortunately the red arrow doesnt work very
    well in me. Instead, bureaucracy hindering action reduces my desire.

  14. I wonder why all those people who are telling about LOA, secrets of
    rich…. are not billionaires. Its quite simple. It does NOT work.

  15. Thanks for sharing this video. I especially like the part about faith
    driving action, it’s exactly what I needed to hear!

  16. To be a millionaire all you need is a thousand dollars from a thousand
    people. Or ten thousand dollars from just one hundred people. It doesn’t
    have to be all at once. It can be a thousand people giving you 83.33 USD a
    month for a year or 833.33 USD a month for a year from just one hundred
    people. And you don’t even have to sell a product or service either. It
    can be a license to rent your intellectual property. (i.e doesn’t exist in
    real life) or just a bid to access exclusive merchandise that other people
    made. Hell it can even just be a donation or a sponsorship or even raised
    capital for some social cause. The world is too big and too connected for
    poverty to still exist. 

  17. Think about it like this: Studies show that most chances that today you
    walked past $27
    in nickels, dimes and quarters but you didn’t notice.
    That means that if you picked up every coin you ever missed out on in the
    past 30 years…. you would have an extra $295,887 dollars by now!
    Do the calculation how your life would look like if each one of your family
    members would do the same thing..
    You can easily develop that kind of thinking and apply it on so many areas
    of your life.
    That way you will make even more, much much more than in the above scenario.
    If you like it check this out:
    And don’t forget to thanks me:)
    In other words,You better watch this. 

  18. Then True Soul Desire, true Faith in yourself and how you choose to
    uniquely Unconditionally Love and Understand Life and those in existence
    can be made manifest without hurtles inside yourself present. If that is a
    large some of Money to create an Engineering Facility that invents Free
    energy machines for all of the World, Elimination of Waste from Earth
    permanently, using that money to turn Slums into many thriving Clean global
    Metropolis’s. Create a Medical Research Facility and actually eliminate
    Cancer, and HIV, AIDS and overall disease from Earth, then that money will
    be yours, events will engineer themselves in accordance with your true
    WILL, how those events happen will usually be a very positive surprise and
    you can tell yourself later that you didn’t see that one coming even though
    you imagined it trillions of different ways in your mind. A pleasant
    positive surprise is still a fun to experience for the newly Awakened
    Positive Holy Trinity Merged Soul. The older Souls that have been Awake
    for a while in the game usually choose to play the Observer part just
    watching the school move forward and the young sleeping souls move toward
    becoming Awake. These older ones usually have simple physical lives like
    the mail Man (Women), doctors, farmer etc. Few Ancient Awake Souls still
    choosing to be present in a Physical Container (Body) rarely make Front
    Stage Appearances to the Sleeping Global Populace. Not that this doesn’t
    happen, it’s rare. After all the young ones will misinterpret a lot of the
    higher knowledge because they are not ready yet and form Indoctrination
    Clubs, that eventually delve into service to self and ego
    self-aggrandizing, these are belief system traps or Global Religions and
    Beliefs where the false Messiah need followers to feel good about
    themselves and growing the Club. 

  19. I have a couple of question concerning the practical use of this book’s
    teaching, i would really appriciate if someone who has succesfully put them
    to use clarify some things to me. First of all, i understand the importance
    of a prayer filled with afirmations concerning my goal in life, however
    what if i have multiple goals? For example, i dont only want riches, i want
    to become a better version of myself, be in a healthy and exciting
    relationship and play a part on improving life for others in one way or
    another. Should i include them all in the same prayer and practice it
    daily, no matter how irrelevant they are, or should i write different
    prayers and make a habit of reading them daily one after the other? That
    aside, the book suggest that i write down some quotes like “Whoever quits
    doesnt win and a winner never quits” and read them daily, but for how long?
    Cause i certainly wont be doing it for the rest of my life. The last action
    i have trouble with is investing 30 mins everyday to imagine myself the way
    i want to be. Has anyone actually done that? I dont know how to actually
    imagine that to begin with, and 30 mins everyday is just way too much. No
    matter how much willpower i have something this boring and time consuming
    will not stay for long in my routine.

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